Our Story
Mån-nge’ (Mang · ge)
Gosa mas mån-nge’ na nila’la’!
“Live your most delicious life.”
Cokonut Express was created to bring the islands closer to you and to bring all of us closer together as a community, no matter how far we are from the Marianas. While we may not be able to bring the picnic tables and the tents to you, we are committed to bringing you your favorite snacks, your favorite homemade goodies, and reminders of home. No more longing for a taste of home.
i Cokonut Express ma establesi para una' hihothit yan i komunidatta yan i islåta Mariånas maskiseha taimanu chinagoñia ni manñasagahit. Maseha tisiñia bai'in uma guåtu i lamasan picnik yan i tento, lao bai'in komitte muna' guåhayi hamyu nu'i yanmiyu na produktun Tanota yan finatinas siha ni hana' fanhahasu hamyo nu'i Tanota Islas Mariånas. Pues puedi i håfa un tåtånga ginen i islata i Cokonut Express ha såtba.

Cokonut Express is a family-owned and Chamorro-owned business.
We are proud to be Chamorro, and we are excited to continue to keep our traditions and our memories of the islands alive. Consider us your village store or your local pastry shop that you frequented growing up.